Rogue planet is an object orbiting in space. Which has no direction of its own. A rogue planet could be 3x larger than our Earth. Who has no hosting star. Who was evicted from his home.
At present, according to scientists, there is a possibility of life on this rogue planet.
Today I will try to find out how life will grow on such rogue planets.
■What is Rogue planet?
When a planet in space goes out of its hosting star, it can go out for the purpose of traveling in this huge space.Scientists originally called it the Rogue planet.
Scientists also call these rogue planets brown dwarf planets. If the rogue planet is gaseous then it is called sub-brown dwarf planet.
■ How are these rogue planets created?
This type of rogue planet can be created in many ways.
○ When a giant meteorite enters a solar system and if the meteorite hits a planet in the solar system with a lot of force, then the planet will come out of its orbit due to the impact of the meteorite. The hosting star of that planet will not have enough power to hold that planet.
○ If a solar system goes in front of a giant black hole. And due to the effect of the black hole, all the planets of this solar system will be scattered here and there.
○ If one galaxy is associated with another galaxy then its effect will break the balance of some star. For which the planets orbit the stars will be out of the solar system.
This type of rogue planet can be created in more different ways.
However, these rogue planets may be 3x from the planet Jupiter in our solar system. Or we may have some rogue planet like Earth. So far, scientists have discovered about 4 million rogue planets in our Milky Way galaxy that are the equivalent of stars in our galaxy.
■ How do scientists find such rogue planets?
Since such a planet has no light of its own. And this type of planet does not orbit any hosting star. So they hide themselves in the thick black darkness of space.
So it is very difficult for scientists to find such rogue planets. Scientists search for such rogue planets through gravity lensing.
In the light of a star from a distance, they curved themselves with gravity. From which scientists search for such orphan rogue planets.
■ Is there any possibility of life on such a planet?
Scientists now think that life on such a planet could be possible. But only if those rogue planets are rocky planets like Earth.
But because of the cold in space and the absence of a hosting star, the temperature of such a planet can be around -245⁰C. But in the case of planets with dense atmospheres like Earth, even in the cold of space, the gas of such planets does not accumulate due to which the extreme cold of space cannot enter this planet. Again, in the case of a planet with a hot core like Earth, the energy supply comes from its core on such a planet. And if the planet has an ocean like Earth, then according to scientists, the chances of life in that ocean are much higher. Again, if such rogue planets have a moon, then the size of the planet increases and decreases from time to time due to that moon. From which this planet can generate energy.
In spite of the strong pressure of the water at the bottom of the ocean in our world, many creatures live there. So, according to scientists, there is a possibility of life on rogue planets like Earth.
By far the closest rogue planet to our planet is Wise 0855-0714 which is a sub-brown rogue planet. Which is 2x in size from our Jupiter's.
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