Gravity due to which the Earth, Sun, Moon, Mars are all together. The sun clings to our earth because of its gravity. Again our earth has stuck to the moon with its gravity. Again, this milkyway galaxy has trapped our entire solar system with the gravity of its center. The gravity force seems to bind our entire universe together.
Sir Isaac Newton was the first to tell us in detail about this gravity. You must know the Apple incident. Sir Isaac Newton first gave different ideas about gravity.
According to him, gravity affects all objects that have mass.
Sir Isaac Newton was the first to tell us how gravity force affects an object. Its famous
formula F = G * ((m sub 1 * m sub 2) / r ^ 2), where F is the force of attraction between the two bodies, G is the universal gravitational constant, m sub 1 is the mass of the The first object, m sub 2 is the mass of the second object and r is the distance between the centers of each object.
Even after so many years since the advent of this formula, we still use this formula for different purposes in space. Based on this formula, today we go to space, we go to space, losing the gravity of the earth.
However, if the value of any one here is 0, then the total value will be 0.
In the 18th century we learned about the black hole in space. From the discovery of the black hole, scientists had various ideas. As science advances, we learn more about the black hole. Some time ago, human civilization was able to take a picture of the first black hole. We know that this huge space monster has infinite gravity. Due to which all the objects in front of it become food. We know that once the light goes out in the space monster, it never comes back.
Now the question is, according to Sir Issac Newton, gravity only affects objects that have mass, but we know that light is made up of photons particles that have no mass, so how does the gravity of a black hole affect it?
Before we understand this, we need to know the general relativity of another great scientist, Albert Einstein. Where Albert Einstein says how gravity works. Although Sir Isaac Newton gave us no idea about gravity. He gave no clues about gravity but Sir Isaac Newton did not give us any idea about how gravity works, or what gravity is. But in the 19th century Albert Einstein explained how gravity works.
According to him, our universe is like a sheet. Which is known as space time. The greater the mass of an object, the more the object will curb space time. For example, the sun will curb space time more than our earth.
On the other hand, having a lot of mass in a black hole will curb that space time a lot. As if a hole has been made there.
No photons of light affect a particle by its gravity. Because we know that the photons of light have no mass.
Light goes into the black hole by itself.
We will try to know this through an example. Suppose you run a marathon. You and 10 of your friends ran that marathon together. This time the competition started. You and your 10 friends are running very fast.Suddenly you see a huge big hole. You went into the hole later to have a lot more speed. 4 of your friends with you also go to that hole later But those 6 friends of yours passed by and left.
This is exactly what happens with light. The light coming from behind goes into that huge hole in the black hole and cuts through some of it. Which we call gravity lensing.
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